Sunday, March 21, 2021

Corpse Bride Sprint Update

     For this sprint after we had our midterm review I took some time with the team to evaluate where we stood on the project. I spoke with each member and asked how they felt about their tasks and what areas we needed to focus on to ensure we would have a good foundation for next semester. I reassigned tasks to members of the team and now that we have a functional rig, I can move Franco off of miscellaneous models and lighting to focusing the rest of the semester on getting our key poses for  the animations that will be necessary for Emily. Katie will be finishing up the proxy for Victor's hands that will replace the default unreal VR hands and then she will be moved to working on transition vfx so that we can have an effect display for the player when we teleport through the levels. Abi has continued to work on the piano functionality and has all of the notes functional at this time and her focus will now be on how the player will follow notes and input that into a sequence that plays through the middle of our experience. Abi has also started to simplify the sheet music for the piano duet. I have Yami working on more models that had not been proxied during the first half of the semester and collecting sound effects that we can add into the scene. 

    I made a list of all aspects of the experience that had not been proxied and even some stretch goals that we would like to include but are not focusing on for the time being. I also made a list that we would need to address by next sprint in order to stay on track and optimize the experience. I made a few adjustments to the walls of the bar to better reflect the original film and applied our material instances to them as well as proxied out the butterfly and its glass enclosure from the beginning of the film. The butterfly will represent our "exit" button as a representation of the land of the living in the "end" portion of the experience. I also made some proxy tombstones and added all of the team members names and rolls onto them as a form of credits and laid them out in a duplicated forest level that our player will go to after they successfully play will Emily. I edited the ambient audio BP to add a different end scene piano music for the closing of the experience. 

My focus for the next two weeks is going to be determining what our polycount max should be and getting all of the model completed so far up res'd and re imported into the engine to test how it affects our performance as well as continuing to update the asset list as tasks get completed and started. 

Proxy butterfly and case in maya: 

here is the list of items that at the end of midterm had not been started yet. Green were items that we definitely needed to get done and were in the experience. Orange represented stretch goals that we felt we could possibly complete but may wait until we are further along before adding any assets to the game. Red represents things we want and probably will not have the time to do.

Need to start proxy for: 

Victor Hands



Roaches Model (stretch)

Roach Niagara Effect (stretch) 

Crow Model for trees (stretch)

Crow sound effect

Glass clinking

Transition effect/fade with sounds for all sections of experience (beg, mid, end) 

Emily Animations (all) 

Anim state machine

Emily hair cards

Emily clothes

End scene layout

End scene name scrolling or tombstones 

Remains of the day end song

Signal on piano key  Emissive material most likely 

Emily hair physics

Emily clothes physics

(fake water in material)

Most of the items in green have been addressed and started during this sprint. As well as the list below that were changes to assets that already existed in the experience. 

Changes to already existing things: 

Update wall design

Updated materials (glass)

Cups /bottles need double walls 

Determine poly count for objects 

Up res to correct poly count (all objects)

Take objects to a higher quality of “proxy”

Emily’s rig

Lighting edits

Piano functionality

Determine what notes need to be played 

Correct collisions on all objects 

Fix flying cup issues? ( add weight / gravity )

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Project 03: Week 04 Final Presentation